How to restrict access to specific URL's in Oempro?

If you are want to restrict the access to specific sections in Oempro such as /admin and /user areas, simply follow these steps:

  1. Take a backup of /opt/oempro/_dockerfiles/haproxy.cfg file.
  2. Edit /opt/oempro/_dockerfiles/haproxy.cfg file, find the frontend frontend_app directive.
  3. Inside this directive, add these lines after mode http line:
acl network_allowed src 
acl restricted_page path_beg /app/admin
acl restricted_page path_beg /app/user
acl restricted_page path_beg /app/client
block if restricted_page !network_allowed

This setup will allow access for admin, user, and client areas for specific IP addresses. You can write IP addresses in a single form or in CIDR notation.

Here’s the actual frontend directive:

frontend frontend_app
    bind *:80


    mode http


	acl network_allowed src 
	acl restricted_page path_beg /app/admin
	acl restricted_page path_beg /app/user
	acl restricted_page path_beg /app/client
	block if restricted_page !network_allowed


    default_backend backend_oempro_app

Once you save and exit editing this file, on the command line, run these commands in sequence to apply changes to the Oempro’s HAProxy Docker container:

cd /opt/oempro/
docker-compose build haproxy
docker-compose kill haproxy && docker-compose up -d haproxy